Emaline Frey

Digital Art

This page showcases two examples of digital art I've done. The first is a replication of a photograph created with Illustrator and Photoshop, and the second is a computer background created with Illustrator.

Tower Tracing


Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

This project was done as part of a digital art class I took freshman year.

The goal of this project was to find an existing photograph, trace it using the vector tools in Adobe Illustrator, and then paint the color back in using Photoshop.

Check out the full resolution image here to see all the details


Original Image

I chose this image because it is a truly beautiful picture with a great color palette, and enough complexity that I could challange myself and expand my skills in Illustrator and Photoshop.

This photo was taken in Arequipa, Peru by Franco Salcedo and was sourced from unsplash. Download this picture for yourself.


The first part of this project was to trace the main lines of the picture using the pen tool in Illustrator. The main challenge of this step was identifying the most important lines, and the line width that would create a realistic 3D image.

Early Work


The most time consuming part of this process was painting the image in photoshop. I really enjoyed this step because I was able to learn my way around the photoshop brushes, and improve my ability to replicate shading and texture on the image.

One of my favorite parts of this piece is seeing the difference between the sections I started on, and the sections I did near the end of the process because I can really see how I was able to improve.


Late Work

Moon Tile Computer Backgrounds


Adobe Illustrator

I did this project mostly for fun and to have a cool background on my phone and computer. This background was based on a tile pattern I found online and it taught me a lot about how to create symmetrical, evenly spaced designs in illustrator, and gave me more practice creating using vectors and shapes.

Download the background for yourself here

Original Image

The original tile pattern comes from New Ravenna tile and mosaics.

Check out the tile here

Emaline Frey | emalinefrey@gmail.com