Emaline Frey


Purdue Libraries

In this project, my team was tasked conducting a usability evaluation of the Purdue Libraries website and suggesting changes to improve the experience of undergraduate users.


Timeline: August - December 2023

Class: Experience Studio 2 (CGT 27108)

In experience studios we work on one semester long project with a corporate sponsor and a group of UX students from every year of the program. Students in experience studio 2 tend to be sophomores.

Defining our scope

Project Brief

The goal of this project was to evaluate the current Purdue Library's book search website for it's usability with a focus on undergraduate Purdue Students. The website is run through PrimoVE, a service that handles database searches for libraries across the country.

Background Research

To define our scope and users in this project space, my group started the project with background research. We looked at articles trying to help people increase their daily step count and work out more often. We noticed that many of these articles were targeted at middle aged office workers, and that a lot of online conversations about increasing health through higher step counts also focused on this group.

Articles were focused on goal setting and working with your daily schedule to improve step counts realistically.

Because middle aged office workers seemed to be the most interested in increasing their health through increasing their step count, we decided we would focus on them as our user group.


We conducted interviews with members of this age group to learn more about the ways people think about, and approach starting and maintaining exercise routines.

The table to the right shows the insights we got from these interviews.

We found that people within our user group needed a system that would motivate them to get more steps throughout the day while making sure the process doesn't seem overly complicated or intimidating

Emaline Frey | emalinefrey@gmail.com